Note: Known as Aerith in the Japanese version of the game. To make it easier to get Aeris' 2nd and 3rd level limit breaks just do the following. After you escape from the Church give Aeris some Materia (Fire, Ice, and Restore Materia work well) and get into some random battles. Fight only with Aeris using her magic (this should instantly kill most enemies) and use Cloud for healing. Do this until you have her 2nd level limit break. If you don't have the Seal Evil limit break by the time this is done, you can do it now if you want. It should only take a little more than a half an hour. Repeat this process to get her 3rd level limit break. This'll make it easier when you want to get her last limit break.
To get the Level 4 manual, you need to talk to the sleeping man in a cave near Junon (North East). He'll tell how many battles you've been in. When the two last digits of the battle count are the same and odd (i.e. 11, 33, 55, etc.), he'll give you a piece of Mythril. This can then be traded for the Great Gospel manual at the blacksmith on the Peninsula east of Gongaga after the events of Rocket Town. The blacksmith will give you two boxes to choose from, the "big one" and the "small one." Choose the small one. The small box is located up the stairs in a grey safe. (You can get more than one Mythril from the sleeping man, and open both chests.)
You can do this any time after getting out of the Corel Desert prison and before going to the Temple of the Ancients. Take the buggy given from Dio, go to Costa de Sol, and take the boat back to Junon. It will allow you to cross the river to get to the cave. Note: It will cost you a minimum of 110gil. You must drive the buggy into Costa de Sol then run to the boat you arrived on and bribe the sailor standing there 100gil to get to Junon with the buggy. To return to Costa de Sol with your buggy you must drive the buggy into Junon. Once inside it will cost you again to get back to the boat but this time it's only 10gil for an elevator ride. Bribe the guard at the elevator to take you back up and there you go.