Bruh what was your strategy. I feel like I’ve tried everything and can’t beat him
I used Barrett and Tifa, and the set that gives you 3 trebuchets, no ballistas. Fight as per normal, countering the troop type that the enemy sends out, mixing in clerics as support. Use your heroes ASAP. Elite troops bump the hero bar up faster so consider using those if you aren't yet overwhelmed. If all things go well, you should at least be able to kill all enemy troops, leaving just outposts and captain remaining. He will first put up a barrier, then stop all your surrounding forces. With that in mind, you want to place trebs down out of reach of these affects, and again, as soon as you have the 2 AP to spend. I think I won with about 13 seconds to spare, so I'm sure there's a better strat but it worked.