Any tips for Queen's Blood? I trial and errored my way through the first few matches, but the twins in Junon are kicking my ass 

I know it’s technically unfair to compare them, but just from a strictly “world feel” pov…the towns, sidequests ect is exactly what I’d hoped the world would feel like in FF16, the towns and npc’s feel so fukking dull and lifeless compared to this game
Absolutely, love everything about it so farthis is peak FF
FF16 is trashAbsolutely, love everything about it so far
I thought I was maybe being unfair to FF16 when I gave it 7/10, but if anything this game magnifies that
It isn’t trash, there is a (mostly) good story with some cool characters, bosses and music, and the combat is ok.FF16 is trash
This game shows that the B team made that
It's super smooth but it looks a bit blurry. Graphics mode looks sharper but there's no real good motion blur so it looks a bit rough. It's better than FF16 though.Didn't want to pick this up yet but reading this thread got me
Is the performance mode better than the pos mode on FF16?
Yeah this feels much easier than Remake but not FF16 easy. I went through that entire game without coming close to dying and trophies were dumb easyThis lookin line an easy play got 20 of the 60 trophies and I haven't left the grasslands yet...I'm 95% done on the grasslands...the Chadley and Mai banter though![]()