What do you mean?After jason black sold his credibility to dikk ride, black is the only one hilding it down for me.
The second black is profblacktruth, not referring to jason black.What do you mean?
This brother is super corny. I’m sorry I can’t do too much of the self righteous hoteppery anymore... to much anti black sentiments
It’s just a lot of lip service and complaining . I’m past that at this point in my lifeDoing what you always do and you're always get what you've always got. I don't know why people even bother the comment if they don't like this kind of stuff.
It’s just a lot of lip service and complaining . I’m past that at this point in my life
that’s not even the thing... his approach is kind of belittling and dismissive of Black people as a whole. I’ve enjoyed listening to brothers like Wesley Muhammad & Louis Farrakhan... but nobody’s perfectCool but I just don't get people who complain rhetoric about black people addressing racism/ white supremacy. If that's the case just be consistent and don't even bother the talking about racism.