Official Professor BlackTruth thread

The D-List Vet

Being in a recommendation system.
Apr 25, 2014
:yeshrug: he should try to start up his own site like Tariq.. i dont know if Tariq will even let him post his stuff on the site he made... most likely he will not


Rebirth is upon Us 2025
Feb 2, 2014
This guy plays into black victimology while pretending not to. He approaches every situation with the assumption that whites should treat you as well if not better than they treat the most privileged of them. I see him as a nerd who really wanted to fit into white society as a youngster and is still enraged by the rejection he received.

All these Tariqs and white supremacy whiners are OBSESSED with whites. Their entire personalities and raison d' etre seems to be a reaction formation to white rejection or perhaps to the deeply buried pain of not being white. Hate isn't the opposite of love, indifference is, and these people are anything but indifferent. Tariq at least is just a race hustler, but PBT seems downright bitter and it is obvious from his tone and interactions with his callers and group members that he does not hold the highest regard for black people.



All Star
Aug 12, 2017
This guy plays into black victimology while pretending not to. He approaches every situation with the assumption that whites should treat you as well if not better than they treat the most privileged of them. I see him as a nerd who really wanted to fit into white society as a youngster and is still enraged by the rejection he received.

All these Tariqs and white supremacy whiners are OBSESSED with whites. Their entire personalities and raison d' etre seems to be a reaction formation to white rejection or perhaps to the deeply buried pain of not being white. Hate isn't the opposite of love, indifference is, and these people are anything but indifferent. Tariq at least is just a race hustler, but PBT seems downright bitter and it is obvious from his tone and interactions with his callers and group members that he does not hold the highest regard for black people.

I think you are right about that. When either of them are addressing Black people there is an undercurrent of disdain.

Tariq on his periscope when addressing Tommy Sotomayor directly related his skin color with being 'burnt'. I gave him the benefit of the doubt but when he said, "Once I come back I will be looking like Tommy/crispy", or something to that affect - making reference to the sun and heat, he exposed himself. So "crispy" means dark to him.

When a Black person disagrees with Tariq they immediately get labeled as "dusty", "nikka nerds", their arguments are misrepresented and relegated to, "nikka babble", etc... Not to mention he supported the harming of Tommy which is idiotic. 'Idiotic' in the sense that if Tommy is assaulted, the person or people that did it would be charged and, more than likely, have the book thrown at them.

PBT showed a very unsympathetic and ugly side when addressing Justine - the woman shot by police in Minneapolis. Instead of covering how there seems to be a major difference in the reactions to white death vs Black death, he goes on an asinine tirade. Calling her a whore and the like when there is no evidence suggesting as much. It wasn't what I'd expect a guy that is about Black empowerment to present himself like. As you said, he seems more hurt and angry at white people than concerned with Black empowerment.

Listening to those guys is quite toxic imo. From the constant derision of Black/African culture (Black panther movie) or people to the fear mongering, I don't expect their listeners to get much help in combating racism they may experience, or receiving proper instruction on Black empowerment. In fact, it seems their listeners have more of a negative view of Black people which is ironic.

They are better off reading books or attending Black forums where work is actually being done, not awaiting some documentary.


All Star
Aug 12, 2017
As for Black Panther, the African cultural elements were seen as 'inferior' to both Tariq and PBT. The mouth plate or ear gauge. It seemed to me they would want a strict adherence to European cultural norms and style as opposed to some African customs and dress. That is what I meant.

When it comes to combating racism I meant in terms of doing as much as you can to minimize it in your life. For example, if a Black person is experiencing racial abuse in the workplace, it'd be wise to take detailed notes and file complaints to human resources. Or if a Black person is unsure whether he/she is experiencing racism they could ask particular questions to a potential antagonist and take notes or catalogue the conversation. Those are two minor ways in combating everyday hostilities that may arise in the workplace. I wasn't making reference to ending racism.
May 26, 2012
Tariq on his periscope when addressing Tommy Sotomayor directly related his skin color with being 'burnt'. I gave him the benefit of the doubt but when he said, "Once I come back I will be looking like Tommy/crispy", or something to that affect - making reference to the sun and heat, he exposed himself. So "crispy" means dark to him.

He said he'd come back looking like Crispy - but not ashy.

Negged ho :martin: