Picked Avengers. Almost gave it to GotG because Drax was hilarious but he wasn't enough to top Avengers for me. Hulk slamming Loki and the build up of waiting for Hulk was great. Scarlet in that tight Suit > oxygen.
Guardians didnt take itself serious yet managed to be taken serious. I thought the characters in guardians were better. I just wished they showed Thanos dissapointment or happiness at the infinity gem being with nova corp.
I'm sure Thanos was:
Because he had the Mind Gem....gave it to Loki....who got his ass beat, and lost it to HYDRA....then his daughter Gamora double crossed him....then Ronan got the Power Gem, but also double crossed him and got killed.
I'm sure it won't be too long before Thanos decides to go handle shyt himself.
Don't. It was a legitimate fear. I think everyone kinda side eyed the movie before it came out. No one knew who the hell these characters were (even some comic book heads were puzzled over this choice of a team to go with) before the announcement of the film. I'm a DC head outside of Spider-man and the X-Men and even I had to admit that they did the damn thing with GOTG. Cosigned whoever said that Avengers felt safe and like a big budget tv movie.Just watched Guardians. I give to Guardians
fukkin' Drax manI feel bad thinking Bautista was going to be the weak link of the main cast. All of them were interesting and entertaining.
Don't. It was a legitimate fear. I think everyone kinda side eyed the movie before it came out. No one knew who the hell these characters were (even some comic book heads were puzzled over this choice of a team to go with) before the announcement of the film. I'm a DC head outside of Spider-man and the X-Men and even I had to admit that they did the damn thing with GOTG. Cosigned whoever said that Avengers felt safe and like a big budget tv movie.