How's your range of motion?
I dont have PT.. the school therapist is closed for the summer till a month before schoolGetting your ROM back is priority #1. Knee contractures are gonna lead to a world of hurt tryin to correct, or lead to more surgery.
General progression goes somethin like:
ROM stuff -> isometrics -> low intensity, high rep lifts.
But your PT prolly got this covered (hopefully).
Hope rehab goes smoothly.
its been decreased since the surgery
before the surgery i worked myself to being able to grab my foot with both hands and pull it towards my butt..right now i can barely get it over 90 degrees..
Good luck on recovery fam. When you get back, try yoga. Core and flexibility
Hopefully you recover some athleticism back.
I dont have PT.. the school therapist is closed for the summer till a month before school
so ima have to rely on my community center, the swimming pool and my frozen bags of peas
im thinking week 1 next week
MTWT I bike 30 minutes and start with some simple stretches
let me hear what your plan would be starting monday this coming week and im trynna be running and doing ball drills by August 10th
If I were you, I'd find a way to get a couple visits in. There's guidelines I could give you, but it's practically impossible for them to be as accurate as an in-person visit. Nobody can assess your tolerance over the internet.
I didn't feel like digging through my books for the EXACTs, and I already gave you a very very general idea of how rehab progresses, but a search and quick overviews came up with:
...which is pretty much what happens in clinic unless they're an athletic which speeds up recovery somewhat. I don't know what type of surgery you got or the docs prognosis, so all I can do is speak in broad terms breh.
This lady's blog might help. She pretty much walks you through her entire rehab (she also had ACL reconstruction tho , her rehab will be more aggressive/prolonged than yours)
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