Green Ranger
I Am Legend
I was surprised with how meh both main matches just felt so underwhelming especially the Cana vs Regins match. It just to me didn't live up to the hype I wasn't expecting Cena or Regins vs AJ but idk the pacing of the match just felt off to me.Cena & Brock were lazy as shyt tonight. Very underwhelming main and co-main, Women's match stole the show.
The Brock vs Bruan match was justand I thought that should of happen at mania. The crowd was pretty dead and watching both of them trying to sell was there both dominant destroying monsters it really doesn't look right at all when either one is selling for a whole match.
The women match was probably the highlight of the show with the tag team match.
They had Nia big ass taking all the big spot in the match she look like a star and they made her ass look strong and the crowd is organically starting to get behind her and want to cheer her.
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