Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon?nothing new to get excited about then?

I saw a 2DS XL coming out in July, for $150 if you don't care about 3D, looks nicer

Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon?nothing new to get excited about then?
yes...exactly what I'm looking forif you fukk with RPGs, Atlus announced localization of a few heavy hitters
In general terms, it's a N3DS XL without 3D. It you want the newer hardware, I would say it's work it, as it comes with the C-stick and extra shoulder buttons. I still find the OG 2DS one of the most comfortable handhelds I've used.Bought the 2DS in 2013 but have been thinking of getting the 2DS XL. Is it worth it for me to "upgrade" to that, or just stay where I am?