These Swedish horror movies with the shock moment- sheesh. Movie was not what it seems - they had me with this one. I would have never predicted the set up. Watch it and you’ll see


These Swedish horror movies with the shock moment- sheesh. Movie was not what it seems - they had me with this one. I would have never predicted the set up. Watch it and you’ll see
I told you. That! All of that!!!
That swerve at the end. Thought this was gonna end like the typical thriller with at least one of the couple making it out alive with a good ending. I thought Nadja's survival was ironclad just because she was pregnant but they blew her head off, gave the husband the
and told him to live with it.
Andat the brothers getting bodied because of their
I told you. That! All of that!!!
They ended that movie like the final scene in The Departedthe red necks must have been collateral damage bc they weren’t related to Tommy’s parents right? Her boyfriend was such a weak minded loser
dude hit a kid and scratches a car, just to drive off like it’s nothing, I could not feel sorry for him at all. No empathy.
Is that a New Tom Hanks movie on netflix?
Just started itjust watched the first episode , of the cecil hotel shxt , but the endin of episode got me , eerie shxt breehs, asian chick look like she took some angel dust and is tweakin or the spirits in that hotel were fn wit her mentals
( greg kading all through this shxt lol )
who watched the rest of this .. dont wanna waste my time if its BS
Ron Howard and Brian Grazer among its executive producers.
I watched the whole thingJust started it
Netflix does great with the documentaries