you're literally cheating yourself out of good entertainment if you regulate your media watching entertainment to only spoken english. theres so much fantastic non-english movies and tv shows out there. a lot of english speaking movies and tv shows are just remakes of foreign language content. soem of america's popular horror films from the last two decades are korean remakes.
i myself can't even stand dubbed movies, i much prefer to read subtitles and listen to the orginal actors and actresses voice no matter the language.
I got my cinephile badge years ago, I've read my fair share of subtitles, I'm not doing it anymore.
That's for the young thundercats, but I appreciate the recommendations.
Watching Horse Girl..low key kinda a stoner flick so far lol
But was you HIGH?!I only got through 40 minutes, and that was a struggle
I agree with this except when it comes to comedies
you're literally cheating yourself out of good entertainment if you regulate your media watching entertainment to only spoken english.
That bad?Watched Horse Girl....
That bad?