Jeepers Creepers may be one of the most dissapointing films of all time for me.
First 40 minutes were great, but after Ms. Cleo calls in, the entire movie loses its' charm.
Honestly, I didn't mind the creature reveal, but they had to interject a psychic to try and explain what the things focus was, but it just got too barmy.
A lot of things didn't make sense, either.
Why torch your life's work in the old church?
Yeah, the cats out the bag but I highly doubt the feds are going to be looking for a winged demon as opposed to a human serial killer.
Where did he get the license plate BEATNGU?
It's undeniably fitting but I highly doubt breh walked into the DMV and registered it.
Also, how does this nikka have immaculate car handling and who taught a demon how to drive stick?

You have to turn your brain off to enjoy it and as long as you don't think too much, it's a decent film.
Especially liked the risk they took with the ending considering villains weren't winning at the end in most films at that time.
The drop in quality in the last hour or so, though.