I don't want to over analyze, but I think "You Owe Me" went over a lot of people's heads. On the surface, it's just a simple club jam in which Nas is telling a girl to basically dance for him and in exchange she can hold his ice. He got called out for hypocrisy for making this song, but if you listen to the lyrics, there is an underlying darker meaning to the song. There is a slave/master relationship here and it isn't one of the BDSM variety. This is what I get from the song:
1) The slave (artist) to a record label (master) dynamic. The artist essentially dances (makes music, does promo etc even literally dance) while the record label allows them to hold the "ice". We know a lot of the jewelry in these videos is borrowed or rented. Advance money is borrowed or loaned if the artist does not make the label a profit.
2) Literal slave and master relationship. He references taxes and 40 acres in the chorus. The first verse is celebratory of overcoming poverty and being legit as in I did all this, now you owe me. Not saying a woman owes him, but America owes him for all the work he put in to accomplish what he is, more importantly America owes Black people as a whole. Ginuwine doubles down on it in the bridge as he references shackles. "I put the shackles on your feet, I think you owe me something".
3) Ginuwine and Nas were lowkey

at Sony with this song as both of them were on Sony at the time and Ginuwine was singing "You owe Nas. You owe Ginuwine".