I'm Everywhere you ain't never there
Average show 3 out of 5
Kofi match was good, dont understand why KO took his shoes off but whatever
Seth and AJ was better than expected, I guess you cant really have Seth lose yet
Samoa Joe and Rey was garbage, I bet they dont even follow up on Joe's shoulder being up
shane and Miz was ok, I dont see the point in shane winning again but whatever
The womens MITB was decent
I dont know why they had becky lose clean especially when they could of built her up for atleast one show then had her lose to a surprise MITB cash in.. Becky 2 belts was money wtf is their problem? They willing to sabotage mech sales just to appease to thier Charlotte infatuation
brock winning is
like really what else is their to do with brock, hes faced everyone.
Kofi match was good, dont understand why KO took his shoes off but whatever
Seth and AJ was better than expected, I guess you cant really have Seth lose yet
Samoa Joe and Rey was garbage, I bet they dont even follow up on Joe's shoulder being up
shane and Miz was ok, I dont see the point in shane winning again but whatever
The womens MITB was decent
I dont know why they had becky lose clean especially when they could of built her up for atleast one show then had her lose to a surprise MITB cash in.. Becky 2 belts was money wtf is their problem? They willing to sabotage mech sales just to appease to thier Charlotte infatuation

brock winning is