“The defendants are on trial for serious federal crimes, and the defendants should not be able to use this trial as a referendum on the merits of the NCAA’s rules or the state of college basketball, in an impermissible effort to garner sympathy with the jury.”
That's a very fair reason to not let him in. There's nothing that can concretely be gained from having Wade on, because A. the accused bribery expands past just him or Sean B. the Wade investigation is a separate branch of this corruption case than the one with Dawkins...therefore, Wade could just stick to his story about his relationship with Dawkins. They're not trying to incriminate him here, per se
Basically, this motion doesn't clear Wade of having not bribed anybody at all, it just clears the chance he'll go on a soapbox and play the same bullshyt amateurism angle that the sport has for decades