Niggthaniel Essex
13th Floor/Growing Old
I swear somebody was cutting onions in my theatre, man. Almost had me shedding dad tears. That's my Wolverine brehs

What has me most excited about this movie is not even the movie itself, its what this just confirmed with Logan and prior to this with Deadpool. The reviews and gross for this film will validate what we've all known and the studios refused to trust: do the character and comic justice and reap the benefits.I thought it was dope too..... but this movie will open the door for a pretty INTERESTING discussion point.
Like a whole bunch of folks about about to either flipflop on a stance or expose the BS they try to use for agenda purposes to attack Marvel movies and its gonna be funny
Like I feel like most if not all will love this movie..... however
Bu bu bu bu bu bu.....
Bu bu bu bu bu bu.....
Bu bu bu bu bu bu..... what about the villains man?
I mean this guy or guys were kinda forgettable..... like I dont even know the main bad guys name and a year from now probably wont even remember him in the movie, he kinda had less of an impact than any villain in all the Marvel movies.
But are cats gonna now use that same BS logic used in the past to dramatically take away from the film?
I dont think Logan and Ironfisttouched more than one time this movie
Again..... I REALLY enjoyed this movie..... the best in the series and easily the best in the Xmen universe.
Could watch it over and over, great way to kick off the Comic book movie season
What has me most excited about this movie is not even the movie itself, its what this just confirmed with Logan and prior to this with Deadpool. The reviews and gross for this film will validate what we've all known and the studios refused to trust: do the character and comic justice and reap the benefits.
The only negative I see with that said relative to how this film plays out isthe fact that like you said, the Villains (YET AGAIN) fall flat. It's actually pretty excusable here because of everything they get right (again a la Deadpool). But the here would be if this is really Hugh Jackman's last dance as Wolverine, we got to see him truly shine as the character in the rated R sense but without getting the reap the benefits of a rated R battle between him and Sabretooth, Omega Red, Lady Deathstryke, etc.
This can't be it for Hugh. He needs to enter the Rated R realm of X-films with Deadpool and Cable as time travelers. Let him cook as an Old Man Logan version of Wolverine and let x-23 shine in the new X-men movies.
Just seen it and was LIT! I don't know how to do the spoiler thing but this movie is the best Wolverine movie ever and probably the best X-Men movie.
I can't believe this is Jackman's last time as Wolverine.The ending had a brother like
. It's the end of an era.
I swear somebody was cutting onions in my theatre, man. Almost had me shedding dad tears. That's my Wolverine brehs
Did anyone else think that Laura looks a lot likeJean's baby?
At the beginning Charles alludes to the fact that she was Logan's offspring. But then he also says "doesn't she look a lot like someone?" after he acknowledges the fact that Logan keeps suppressing their past.
I immediately thought of Jean. I don't know if anymore should be read into that dialogue but it made my imagination go
This movie gave me all the emotions!!![]()
What has me most excited about this movie is not even the movie itself, its what this just confirmed with Logan and prior to this with Deadpool. The reviews and gross for this film will validate what we've all known and the studios refused to trust: do the character and comic justice and reap the benefits.
The only negative I see isthe fact that like you said, the villains (YET AGAIN) fall flat. It's actually pretty excusable here because of everything else they knocked out of the park(again a la Deadpool). But what would be absolutely tragic is if this is really Hugh Jackman's last dance as Wolverine. We got to see him truly shine as the character in the rated R sense, but without getting the reap the benefits of a rated R battle between him and Sabretooth, Omega Red, Lady Deathstryke, etc.
This can't be it for Hugh. He needs to enter the Rated R realm of X-films with Deadpool and Cable as time travelers. Let him cook as an Old Man Logan version of Wolverine and let x-23 shine in the new X-men movies.
I caught that, but I guess I took it as he was referring to her claws and anger issues
I have zero issues with the antagonists. I mean what we want with having all of these Super villains and what the story about doesn't mix, especially in the tone and purpose of the story. I'm cool with it being what it is, because the stakes were more DIRE than in any typical superhero movie.