After releasing the video of the Captain saying they got the orders through the secondary line, wouldn't the President be on top of the situation?
Not necessarily.
After releasing the video of the Captain saying they got the orders through the secondary line, wouldn't the President be on top of the situation?
Not necessarily.
Yeah if your President isthen maybe.
You're telling me that if you were the Pres and someone says they got an order through a secondary channel to drop a NUKE on another country, that you wouldn't be on top of that? You do know the President is the Commander-in-Chief right? That order has to go through him...
Yeah if your President isthen maybe.
You're telling me that if you were the Pres and someone says they got an order through a secondary channel to drop a NUKE on another country, that you wouldn't be on top of that? You do know the President is the Commander-in-Chief right? That order has to go through him...
Isn't this a false flag scenario? The Pres is most certainly behind the conspiracy considering U.S. nuclear tactics. If the President doesn't know shyt then that's gonna be a mark on the shows writing.
They went through a secondary channel SO THAT people like the president aren't aware of it. We don't know for sure but it looks like the President had nothing to do with this, and that happens in movies (like Crimson Tide) all the time.
See what I mean. Is that what it comes down to? Either the President knows and is behind it or the President didn't know.
If the former, OK I guess that's a workable story line but how would suspicion not get back to the President. For example, if a nuclear bomb dropped on Pakistan tomorrow, YOU, ME, and EVERYONE ELSE would think the order came from the President, true? It has to...So it's hard to be behind a conspiracy when you're the most obvious suspect!
If the latter, OK the President didn't know about the order. Well as a result of the video the captain made at the end of E1, the President now knows that someone somehow sent that order and is probably thankful that the Capt didn't go through with it, right? So, as Commander-in-Chief, he wouldn't send his troops to attack the sub!
See what I mean. Is that what it comes down to? Either the President knows and is behind it or the President didn't know.
If the former, OK I guess that's a workable story line but how would suspicion not get back to the President. For example, if a nuclear bomb dropped on Pakistan tomorrow, YOU, ME, and EVERYONE ELSE would think the order came from the President, true? It has to...So it's hard to be behind a conspiracy when you're the most obvious suspect!
If the latter, OK the President didn't know about the order. Well as a result of the video the captain made at the end of E1, the President now knows that someone somehow sent that order and is probably thankful that the Capt didn't go through with it, right? So, as Commander-in-Chief, he wouldn't send his troops to attack the sub!