It takes 10 Minutes for the damn movie to actually start
You have that pointless ass singing with that woman sniffing Aquaman's shirt while he swims away
That Flash scene of him at the Pet Shop and saving Iris West had no relevance to the damn plot and was goofy as fukk with the Hot Dogs
Martian Manhunter was pointless
Barely anything happens in the first two hours. The team gets together at the Bat Signal towards the 1h 51m mark when that moment would've happened an hour earlier in a movie that was perfectly paced.
Superman is wearing a Black Suit for NO REASON other than Snyder thinking that it looks cool.
The movie should've ended with Clark opening his shirt to reveal the Superman logo but Snyder tacks on bonus scenes that have nothing to do with the movie which causes the movie to drag on for another 13 Minutes. You have Lex Luthor revealing Bruce's identity to Deathstroke only for the next scene to have Bruce and Deathstroke teaming together in a Dream Sequence

This movie does not hold up at all.