Poetical Poltergeist
Precise and cold hearted
I wouldn't either but who said they would? Dude said he saw kids at the movies, didn't specify if they were 5 or under.I wouldnt take a 5 year old to see it.
I wouldn't either but who said they would? Dude said he saw kids at the movies, didn't specify if they were 5 or under.I wouldnt take a 5 year old to see it.
The park is now open, and boasts a genetically modified dinosaur. But is it a worthy attraction?
I haven't checked out Andromeda, read Congo a long time ago probably 4-5 years after the movie came out and loved it, read Timeline, loved it. I'm putting Andromeda on my short list though
Just read the synopsis for Andromeda...Shocked it never got a movie adaptation
Only Crichton book I read was Disclosure and i loved that shyt
I want a new Ender's movieDude's writing isnt for everyone but if you liked it try Andromeda Strain, Congo, Sphere, Jurassic Park, Lost World, terminal man, Eaters of the Dead
Some of it gets really technical/scientific but stays really interesting at the same time.
3d vs non 3d brehs?
They only showing in 3d in my town. W
We aint got that option in my city.
Guess its really a 3d experience like toy story 3.
Guess its really a 3d experience like toy story 3.
Nolan doesn't do 3D brehShould I watch this in hd?
I saw avatar in 3d and continued to watch movies in 3d and it became
But made the mistake in not watching interstellar in 3d... To me it looks like this would be the movie to watch in 3d?