LTTP on this one, but I gave
Outer Wilds another try yesterday. I think this will make my third attempt lmao and normally when I hop off something it is what it is but all the fanfare has me scratching my head

. I think that intro planet and sequence of talking to all them alien people do the game a huge disservice. Because once it opens up a bit and the gameplay loop reveals itself it sorta starts to click? The controls are still a mess. The framerate kinda questionable. But the story may have sunk its hooks into me finally. And space exploration shyt is sorta my thing anyway. So we'll see.
Also been playing
The Pedestrian.

Dope little puzzle game. Nothing crazy. In fact not much of anything other than trying to make it to the next segment. I can dig the simplicity. Really good music.
And then lastly
Gorogoa, which I don't even know how to describe. Probably a puzzler works for this as well. It seems like it's trying to tell a story that's sad af but there's no dialogue or exposition dumps. You're literally shifting panels from pastel paintings to progress things along. You shift perspectives to reveal items of one painting that may complete another. It's trippy as hell.