did paula jones really have a psychic line 



just started ep 4.
the casting for Monica could of been better but other than that its quite spot on, I see shes a producer and you guys called it right from before it started that she will portray herself as naive even though she had an affair with her teacher in the past
I mean looks, Jonah sister is ugly imo. Prime Monica was a bit cute and fluffyThink the casting is good for Monica, Jonah Hills sister ain't she ?
She has the whole naive/stupid mannerisms down to a T
As someone who read almost all of Ann Coulter's books & watched/listened to a bunch of her interviews, Cobie Smulders has done her homework & is dong an EXCELLENT job of portraying Ann on this show.
This. Cobie Smulders as Ann Coulter being prettier than Ann Coulter IRL kinda stood out.BTW Cobie Smulders killed the role of Ann Coulter in this series. Only flaw is that I thought she was too good looking. Ann Coulter IRL looks like a scarecrow.![]()