These two bytches in the cubicle hate each other. When is ol’ girl gonna snap on Tripp? 

Wanna know the true story of "American Crime Story: Impeachment?" Our video includes Monica Lewinsky, Bill Clinton, Linda Tripp, and more! Are YOU watching "Impeachment?"
#AmericanCrimeStoryImpeachment #ACS #Impeachment
Matt Drudge opened up to ET in these rare interviews amid the Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky scandal in 1998. The Drudge Report founder explained his website's role in breaking details about the President's affair at the dawn of internet journalism. Throughout the year, Drudge commented on Linda Tripp's tape-recorded conversations with the former White House intern, Kenneth Starr's investigation and the changing face of news stories in the '90s. Following Clinton's grand jury deposition in August 1998, Drudge reflected on going from ‘folding t-shirts in a gift shop’ in Hollywood to instigating a media firestorm that changed Washington D.C. forever. And, yes, he explained the backstory of his trademark hats. Billy Eichner portrays Drudge in 'American Crime Story: Impeachment,' airing Tuesdays on FX.
The 1 thing annoying & distracting thing about this show is in real life Monica Lewinsky wasn't as big as the chick playing her & real life Monica was definitely prettier in the face. Real life Monica could get it, you would never consider smashing the chick playing Monica.
The only thing I remember about old school USA Network programing was tons of reruns of Wings, Walker Texas Ranger and Murder She Wrote. Then Monk came along and crushed the buildings
In the end brehsAnd Highlander
It’s so true too. It’s like working on a carrier ship except filled with SES and DoD civiliansPeople get paid more at the Pentagon yet no one really wants to be there