Official Hezbollah/Iran-Israel Regional War Thread


Retired Legend
Apr 30, 2012
That is what I'm talking about.

A foreign policy of "always support anything Israel does" is shyt whether it's an election year or not. It's immoral and I fail to see how being dragged into Israel's BS is of any benefit to the US. Hell, part the main reason we got attacked on 9/11 was support of Israel (and no, I'm not saying that justified it).

It probably won't be Kamala, but sooner or later there will be an administration that's disinterested in being dragged into Israel's BS. Comparing it to Ukraine is apples and oranges.
Funny thing about the Ukraine comparison si that Russia has committed less war crimes than Israel


Nov 19, 2016

King Kreole

natural blondie like goku
Mar 8, 2014
The support we're giving Israel with regard to Iran and Hezbollah is no different than the support we are giving others allies, for example, Ukraine to defend themselves.
Utter nonsense. America hasn't been shooting down incoming Russian missiles and drone attacks on Ukraine. America didn't immediately position 18 warships in the waters surrounding Ukraine. I don't see what there is to be gained by trying to deny the special relationship between Israel and the United States.


Apr 24, 2016
Nones of acceptable which is why I shyt on Russia and israel, can you say the same :sas2

I have as much need to shyt on Russia as I need to shyt on other protagonists where it's nearly universally recognized that they're clearly protagonists in the wrong, and are not being supported by my tax dollars. Russia are c*nts. Agreed, we can move on

Israel is a unique case. You'd have to be an aspiring Clyburn staffer or the victim of horse kicks to the head to not understand :pachaha:

3 per hour? Rookie numbers, let's get it to Russia casualty numbers :wow:


Nov 19, 2016
Nones of acceptable which is why I shyt on Russia and israel, can you say the same :sas2
Yes negro. I’ve no issues criticizing Israel for how reckless they’ve been.

Y’all just upset because I maintain that this issue doesn’t define your blackness and isn’t going to affect how I nor the majority of Americans vote and nor should it. :gucci:


All Star
Jun 4, 2014
Da South

A few things here. First, I must disagree with your framing of the conflict. Nasrallah/Hezbollah didn't "insert themselves" into a fight with Israel. Israel invaded and occupied Lebanon in 1978 and 1982 and Hezbollah was formed as the response to these illegal and brutal occupation by Israel. Israel literally inserted itself into Lebanon. Hezbollah's actions in support of Palestinians in the wake of October 7th must be seen in the context of their decades-long struggle against Israel.

Second, this argument that Israel is under constant rocket attack is misleading. Over 80% of all rocket attacks since October 7th between Israel and Lebanon have come from Israel.


They are the clear aggressors and have been attempting to provoke a broader regional war. And they enjoy technological and weaponry supremacy, which is why they never use qualitative metrics to discuss these attacks they're facing, they just say "hundreds of rockets". They do the exact same routine when they try to argue the Palestinians provoked them into committing war crimes and say "Look, we're facing hundreds of rocket attacks every day! What do you want us to do! No nation would accept this!" without mentioning the vast majority of these "rockets" are piddling bottle rockets that either get immediately neutralized by the Iron Dome or do no damage. Israelis are not living amongst constant rocket explosions or death. They're chilling on the beach in Haifa listening to the shyttiest techno music imaginable while exporting the violence and bloodshed their society is built upon to their Arab neighbours.

But I reckon you're right that Israel has had Nasrallah's location identified multiple times in the past and didn't kill him, perhaps for a multitude of reasons, including civilian collateral. But for some reason, this past week that calculus changed. To say he "just wore out his welcome" isn't any sort of legitimate justification. You don't get to just get tired of applying the guardrails of morality and international law.

Finally, I disagree with your assertion that putting a military building in a civilian area (I wonder where the IDF HQ is :jbhmm:) is a worse crime than destroying that building regardless of the civilian casualties. The whole reason using human shields or hostages is a crime is because it eliminates the ability for your opponent to clearly engage with you militarily. If the cops are chasing someone and they run into a school and take a class of 4th graders hostage, the cops can't just light up the classroom. The IDF are the only modern military force who seem to have failed that basic test of humane principles. Because they're orientalist, racist Jewish supremacists who don't believe Arabs deserve human rights.

I will look at the links and posts you gave me in regards to the IDF and human shields. If they did use them then they are a$$holes for doing so too.

In regards to Hezbollah:

1. When I mentioned “insert themselves into a fight” im particularly referring to the Oct 7 attack by Hamas. What happen in the 1980s is irrelevant here, Hezbollah started striking Israel in solidarity after Oct 7 by their own words.

2. In regard to that graphic, Israel didnt want a two front war during its operation and launching missiles at Hezbollah was more of a deterrent and not provocation. Hezbollah at that the time was way more sophisticated with better weaponry and troops than Hamas, an aircraft carrier was parked off the Lebanese coast for a reason, so the lopsided chart isnt unexpected to me. Plus the amount of missiles from Hez changed in the last two months to 8000+. And bottle rockets? Hamas’ rockets are rudimentary but for you to describe them as bottle rockets is straight goofy. Would Israel Invest millions of dollars in the Iron Dome and Davids Sling for a bottle rocket? And since this is about Hezbollah, their arsenal is way more advanced than rudimentary rockets.

3. How does technological supremacy translate into “we dont have to retaliate” when attacked? When a terrorist organization is launching missiles/rockets into your country you can respond as you choose, and that can include retaliatory strikes. It doesnt matter if it lands in a field or is intercepted, no response will just embolden more attacks. Your not getting a round of applause from terrorists on how restrained your are.

4. Once again Nasrallah chose his meeting place on purpose knowing he had a target on his head, and when your the leader of a terrorist organization that your rival wants dead, best believe there's a debate on how much its worth to kill you. Your entourage and the people around you start to be looked at as casualties and not civilians and that increases based on your rank and the attacks your organization is responsible for. So in this case his luck did run out, he ran up a check for 30+ years and the IDF cashed it. The odds of the IDF getting this chance again were probably slim and a raid would've been too risky so an airstrike was the option. And from the looks of it Hezbollahs whole leadership was wiped out as a bonus, so yeah to Israel it was probably worth it.
And yeah IDF’s HQ is in Tel Aviv but not under a civilian apartment building. If Im thinking correctly military function trumps civilian function when engaging in combat.

That being said, I dont necessarily agree with everything Israel does, especially in Gaza and the west bank, but im mostly looking at this from an angle of a Sovereign Nation engaging a Terrorist Org. Hezbollah gotta hold their own nuts :yeshrug:


Apr 24, 2016
who the fukk said it did? :mjtf:


It's absolutely possible to be black and be a hardcore Zionist supporter, or just ambivalent about apartheid or Jim Crow like policies.

There were many of them in the 60s and 80s. Some of their sons are posting amongst us today. Black? 100%. Misguided/suffering from Alzheimers? Even more so :pachaha:

Secure Da Bag

Dec 20, 2017
Can someone explain to me in good faith why this level of precision couldn't be used in Gaza? They completely dismantled an entire terrorist organization in less than a month. Why couldn't this have been applied to Hamas?
Well that precision wasn't as precise as we thought. Since civilians also got caught up in the pager explosions. Also, the missile attacks killed civilians as well.

King Kreole

natural blondie like goku
Mar 8, 2014
I will look at the links and posts you gave me in regards to the IDF and human shields. If they did use them then they are a$$holes for doing so too.
a$$holes, and genocidal war criminals.

1. When I mentioned “insert themselves into a fight” im particularly referring to the Oct 7 attack by Hamas. What happen in the 1980s is irrelevant here, Hezbollah started striking Israel in solidarity after Oct 7 by their own words.
Hezbollah was formed in response to the Israeli invasion and occupation of Lebanon. Fighting the colonial nature of the Zionist entity is their
primary raison d'être, so it's very relevant to zoom out and analyze the current post-October 7th period of fighting through the lens of the broader picture. Picking and choosing selective starting dates is how Israel attempts to avoid culpability and distort the facts of the matter.

2. In regard to that graphic, Israel didnt want a two front war during its operation and launching missiles at Hezbollah was more of a deterrent and not provocation. Hezbollah at that the time was way more sophisticated with better weaponry and troops than Hamas, an aircraft carrier was parked off the Lebanese coast for a reason, so the lopsided chart isnt unexpected to me. Plus the amount of missiles from Hez changed in the last two months to 8000+. And bottle rockets? Hamas’ rockets are rudimentary but for you to describe them as bottle rockets is straight goofy. Would Israel Invest millions of dollars in the Iron Dome and Davids Sling for a bottle rocket? And since this is about Hezbollah, their arsenal is way more advanced than rudimentary rockets.
Israel has been trying to provoke a wider conflagration so they can finally rid themselves of the anti-colonial resistance movements within their neighboring Arab countries, and crucially, to do so with direct American military backing. The attacks they have been launching at Lebanon (and Iran and Yemen and Palestine) have been designed to provoke this broader war. You say Hezbollah was better armed than Hamas, and that is true, but they're not better armed than Israel and their patron America. You cannot be both the superior armed party and the party committing the majority of attacks and claim deterrence or that brain-numbing "de-escalation through escalation" argument they're trying out.

Hamas "rockets" are made out of household items like sugar, fertilizer and scrap metal water pipes. They are about as effective as bottle rockets. We know this because the Israeli casualties and damage they inflict is miniscule. Israel has been under no actual threat from Hamas rockets. But they do serve a very important purpose in the deranged psyche of Zionists and their supporters, which is to launder the Israeli claims of being in constant danger. Israel is like a rich suburban cac who is strapped up with an itchy trigger finger, terrified to go into the downtown core because Fox news told them they'll be robbed and beaten on sight by people of color.

3. How does technological supremacy translate into “we dont have to retaliate” when attacked? When a terrorist organization is launching missiles/rockets into your country you can respond as you choose, and that can include retaliatory strikes. It doesnt matter if it lands in a field or is intercepted, no response will just embolden more attacks. Your not getting a round of applause from terrorists on how restrained your are.
If you catch the neighbor's boy egging your house, you can't just beat him to death. Proportionality is a concept predicated on the balance of power. If this "terrorist organization" is launching missiles/rockets that the Iron Dome is deftly swatting away, you are obligated to respond in a different manner than if the missiles/rockets are landing and your country is being actively destroyed or obliterated. The idea that Israel will dissuade their enemies by launching disproportionate attacks to the tune of 50k murdered Palestinians or levelling apartment buildings full of civilians in Lebanon is as depraved as it is foolish. The actual way they can stop the conflict is by stopping their oppression and apartheid. Solve the root cause instead of trying to beat people into submission for 70 years.

4. Once again Nasrallah chose his meeting place on purpose knowing he had a target on his head, and when your the leader of a terrorist organization that your rival wants dead, best believe there's a debate on how much its worth to kill you. Your entourage and the people around you start to be looked at as casualties and not civilians and that increases based on your rank and the attacks your organization is responsible for. So in this case his luck did run out, he ran up a check for 30+ years and the IDF cashed it. The odds of the IDF getting this chance again were probably slim and a raid would've been too risky so an airstrike was the option. And from the looks of it Hezbollahs whole leadership was wiped out as a bonus, so yeah to Israel it was probably worth it.
And yeah IDF’s HQ is in Tel Aviv but not under a civilian apartment building. If Im thinking correctly military function trumps civilian function when engaging in combat.
Netanyahu has a target on his head, if he goes and visits an elementary school do all those kids cease to be civilians and are now just casualties? Biden has a target on his head, if he visits a church on a campaign stop do all the parishioners cease to be civilians and are now just casualties? And of course Israel decided committing a war crime was worth it, they've been doing war crimes with impunity for the past year. The victims are all just Arabs who they don't view as full human beings. If Nasrallah was meeting under a building full of white Americans you think Israel is launching that strike?

Whether the IDF HQ was built under a civilian building or right next to it has no bearing on the discussion. According to the standard for human shields Israel has been using for the past year, they're doing the same they're accusing Hamas of doing. Yet again, every Israeli accusation is a confession.

That being said, I dont necessarily agree with everything Israel does, especially in Gaza and the west bank, but im mostly looking at this from an angle of a Sovereign Nation engaging a Terrorist Org. Hezbollah gotta hold their own nuts :yeshrug:
I think you have the wrong angle to accurately assess this conflict. This is a vicious, violent, exploitative, colonial entity being resisted by local de-colonial movements.