A few things here. First, I must disagree with your framing of the conflict. Nasrallah/Hezbollah didn't "insert themselves" into a fight with Israel. Israel invaded and occupied Lebanon in 1978 and 1982 and Hezbollah was formed as the response to these illegal and brutal occupation by Israel. Israel literally inserted itself into Lebanon. Hezbollah's actions in support of Palestinians in the wake of October 7th must be seen in the context of their decades-long struggle against Israel.
Second, this argument that Israel is under constant rocket attack is misleading. Over 80% of all rocket attacks since October 7th between Israel and Lebanon have come
from Israel.
They are the clear aggressors and have been attempting to provoke a broader regional war. And they enjoy technological and weaponry supremacy, which is why they never use qualitative metrics to discuss these attacks they're facing, they just say "hundreds of rockets". They do the exact same routine when they try to argue the Palestinians provoked them into committing war crimes and say "Look, we're facing hundreds of rocket attacks every day! What do you want us to do! No nation would accept this!" without mentioning the vast majority of these "rockets" are piddling bottle rockets that either get immediately neutralized by the Iron Dome or do no damage. Israelis are not living amongst constant rocket explosions or death. They're chilling on the beach in Haifa listening to the shyttiest techno music imaginable while exporting the violence and bloodshed their society is built upon to their Arab neighbours.
But I reckon you're right that Israel has had Nasrallah's location identified multiple times in the past and didn't kill him, perhaps for a multitude of reasons, including civilian collateral. But for some reason, this past week that calculus changed. To say he "just wore out his welcome" isn't any sort of legitimate justification. You don't get to just get tired of applying the guardrails of morality and international law.
Finally, I disagree with your assertion that putting a military building in a civilian area (I wonder where the IDF HQ is
) is a worse crime than destroying that building regardless of the civilian casualties. The whole reason using human shields or hostages is a crime is because it eliminates the ability for your opponent to clearly engage with you militarily. If the cops are chasing someone and they run into a school and take a class of 4th graders hostage, the cops can't just light up the classroom. The IDF are the only modern military force who seem to have failed that basic test of humane principles. Because they're orientalist, racist Jewish supremacists who don't believe Arabs deserve human rights.