Essential Official Goon Music thread. Shifty individuals only


Staff member
May 1, 2012
Almighty Garden State
this shyt looks dope as fiddduck,i wish a show like this would show up to the Yay Aerial but ths shyt's so gentrified now we don't get too many underground emcee's no more,though RA's gonna be in the Town(Oakland for the game goofy lil postas) and i've never seen him alive,so i gotta get healthy&get some guap circulating..

btw Soul not to be weird but did wifey tell you i e-made her e-acquaintance cause Rome Streetz reposted her posting this flyer as well,and no i'm not trying to be slick,nor a finesser,i respect your G too much for that,plus,i'm a project drug addled goon&but i'm also one of the politest muhfukkas you ever gonna meet,my nana's did a superb job at installing manners&humility in my ass..guess tis my Gemini side of the cusp,we're just enigma's..anyhow i saw ya'll podcast listed in her profiled&remembered you had said that you were doing it with wifey..let me now if she tells you what i said about you lord:salute:

#Synchronicity is a real thing

oh,and i added you too..:myman:

lol its cool, she asked me about it. Rome is good peoples he actually popped up during Crime & Dan's show back on Feb and ripped it. we originally wanted Smoovth in that spot, but we couldnt make the biz work so we went with Rome


The Project's Manly P Hall
Resting in Peace
Oct 25, 2012
I'm Hard Like D-Block Readin The Book Of Enoch...
lol its cool, she asked me about it. Rome is good peoples he actually popped up during Crime & Dan's show back on Feb and ripped it. we originally wanted Smoovth in that spot, but we couldnt make the biz work so we went with Rome

word,me,Smoovth,Rome,Hus,and this bad ass breezy who knows her underground hip hop quite well&stans Bron were having a great discourse/debate about the game&sports in general..the breezy obv&Smoovth were rooting for the Cavs,i think Rome twas to&me being born and bred in San Fiasco&Yay Aerial i obv twas rooting for the Dubs&so was twas the best sports chat i've had in years,but then again i'm more of a casual fan now,i used to be a sports fanatic but after i twas blessed to crack open my pineal gland,have&has direct experience's with the divine,also,i'm a 'conspiracy' realest,i can't bother to be distracted,i barely turn on the tv,i used to play ball quite often,but thans to injuries&drugs i don't really anymore..

the shyt that they thought twas hilario,ruthless,and then mad respectable is i said that the Dubs being so good&so many rich privleged gentrifying honkies bandwagoning the team now makes me not want to care/support them anymore,een dough i'm a diehard that supported them when they were drafting Todd Fuller,Victor Alexander,Carlos Rodgers,Patrick O'Bryant,Ike Digou,Mike Dunleavy,etc ad nauseam&sign scrubs like Bimbo Coles,Al Harrington,Dereck Fisher,Corey Magette,,i've had a haunting suspicion since 2012 that hoops&football are fixed now,it makes een moreso sense now considering that gambling is basically legal now..i called the gentrifier's a bunch of clout chasing idol worshippers which Hus said twas kinda 'grimy'

then,as a few cats on here definitely don't understand,and at the Hamster it twas worst cause i twas more popular at first,then became the 'conspiracy' theorist druggy who twas too abstract with a heavy vocab&slang game that most couldn't understand,i twas more of a TLR poster dough,you defintely here nor there posted much in TLR,but you're a :hamster:legend to me,we're def the last of the SOHHicans,hahaha:russ:

anyways,pardon for the brief sidetrack but i said that cause i'm the same in IRL,i have a very strange honor code that even my own familian&friends i've known for over 15-20 years still strugle at times to comprehend,i can count the people who do with ET's hand,anyhow,i told them that i fukkin grew up in the late Reagen era projects as a honky,when my familia were the only white's that lived here&were respected,never needed a pass,never were labeled to be a racist or snitch,not een gossiped to..anyhow i said i respected the ruthless dope dealers&the fiends alike multitiudes more then i ever did or will these new age colonizing snooty racist&elitist classist cracka's are..and it boggle's my mind to no fukkin end that many will think i should or might just because of my fukkin skin color,whites isn't een a fukkin race,tis a skin color at best&a poison at worst..

anyhow,after that both Smoovth&Rome almost simultaneously hit the follow button,i twas highly honored cause i love hip hop to death&consider it my religion,it means more then any blue check follow back cause these dudes are dope&brutally honest emcee's that actually interact with their fans..i told them that too cause unless you're an old school underground legend most of these new hard new age emcee's are highly unappreciated&worse treated as a washed scrub at best,and at worst disposable and worthy of ridicule and/or being at the whims of half of their fanbase,they wouldn't talk that way to Drake,Lil Dinghy,Lil Supersoaker Squirt,etc ad nauseam..

anyhow,my bad for the semi minor rant,this is what used to get me in trouble back at the :hamster: hahahahaha:russ:

btw did your better half also tell you that you were a rare cat who's hip hop opinion i highly respect too,cause all my ahkis&trill 3-D life ninjas know i'm a fukkin music snob,even to this very day i'ver never relied on any outside streaming,sattelite radio,and damn sure not Satanic ass Viacom&Clear Channels automated playlist&fukkboys blindly choose my music,and i rarely will let any blog,video show or website do so..and i've never even listened to a podcast dolo on my own accord,only a episode or two of Drink Champs in general,and they don't make recommendations,other then that i've only listened to podcast at other people's pads&it twas never a hip hop joint..and i don't sure don't take 90%+ of the music taste of the lil postas on here Sirius..:russ::mjlol::umad:


Staff member
May 1, 2012
Almighty Garden State
BRUH!! Finally got a quality version of Incubus, song of the year for me so far :wow:

Roze + Diggs are a great combo. they wont air til later in the year, but i have a podcast interview with em. cool guys, they specfically make beats for Roze/Kali and Asia

the only exception to their rule (they only create in-studio with artists) was Rec Ali, who i knew was from Ghana but still lives there :ehh: i got a print interview coming with Rec i dont evne wanna know how much it costs to call Ghana