White walker set
We got a dragon
We got hodor
We got the numbers.
We got a dragon
We got hodor
We got the numbers.
Then got his chest caved in for his troubles.Where's Baratheon stans at?
Hell, Rhaegawd snatched Ned's sister the gully way and impregnated the hoe.even sang to her to make her all
The baratheons beat the targaerean where it mattered, when Robert's warhammer caved in pretty boy fairy rhaegar's chestWhere's Baratheon stans at?
Hell, Rhaegawd snatched Ned's sister the gully way and impregnated the hoe.even sang to her to make her all
So did ramsey, and he got his shyt ateWhite walker set
We got a dragon
We got hodor
We got the numbers.
A couple small folk are still eating off them Rubies that washed up. His prophecy was to get his heart taken by Bob, could you even imagine being born, instead of learning how to fight, you go off and learn musical instruments so you can lay with your friend Griff, and entertain better men at tourneys. You end up getting half the realm fukked up because you fall in love with a mystery knight (assume since she was such a great knight, issa boyThe baratheons beat the targaerean where it mattered, when Robert's warhammer caved in pretty boy fairy rhaegar's chest
A couple small folk are still eating off them Rubies that washed up. His prophecy was to get his heart taken by Bob, could you even imagine being born, instead of learning how to fight, you go off and learn musical instruments so you can lay with your friend Griff, and entertain better men at tourneys. You end up getting half the realm fukked up because you fall in love with a mystery knight (assume since she was such a great knight, issa boy) . You tried to hide a child, arborgoldpapi, but Pusha-B decided to hit you with these bars on the fork, “Aegonon”. I can’t believe the big homey Dunk traded his life for urs, you stranger damned fool. The Targs and the Baratheons were fam from Orys and Aegon 1, and lil emo R comes through to fukk it all up on some “I see you have a war hammer and the hands of the warrior in andal form, may I play you ‘the bear and the maiden fair’ on my flute, my dear Robert”. The laughing storm reborn ended up instead wanting to put a hole in the ground under Rhae Rhae’s chest.
It won't be a happy ending for y'all.
You realize he's said on several occasions hes not a Stark right?
100%! JON IS A STARK. His whole value system is based off Ned. He would die for every STARK sibling. He is a STARK! STARK GANG!
If Dany tried to harm any Stark sibling, Jon would kill her without hesitation. And he might end up doing that![]()
Breh we done SEEN how that “I’m the King, bend the knee or face my wrath” shyt ultimately works.
And besides that we’re all conveniently forgetting that Jon doesn’t WANT to be King. Dude was gonna ride off into oblivion before Sansa showed up with her weak ass crocodile tears talking about “save Rickon” when all she really wanted was to get Winterfell from Ramsay.
Jon is King because its NECESSARY for him to have power to coordinate the war with the White Walkers. In true STARK fashion he’s doing his duty. Banging Dany is simply ONE perk against a mountain of shyt he’d rather not deal with.
Hell i’ll even put Coli cash on betting that Season 8 ends with anyone BUT Jon sitting on the Iron Throne. He doesn’t want to be a Targ, a King, or a ruler. The two things he’s always wanted were to be a legitimatimized STARK and to be a Ranger
Big facts. Boltons would still have Winterfell if it wasn't for Sansa.This is such a shallow view of Sansa. She knows that she (nor Jon) would never be safe, and always on the run, if Ramsey and Cercei were still looking for them. She wants safety & peace for herself, and now that she knows that her family is alive, she wants the same for them.
Sansa is more political and does what she needs to, to get shyt a true Queen. Had it not been for her putting a battery in Jon's back, the Starks would've never reunited and Jon would've rode off into the sunset until the WW killed everybody. At least now people are aligning with one another to fight back (against the WW). Thank you Sansa!