OFFICIAL Game of Holmes Season 8 Thread - A Dream of Flat Tops 4/14/19

May 2, 2012
Ft. Stewart, Ga
This is such a shallow view of Sansa. She knows that she (nor Jon) would never be safe, and always on the run, if Ramsey and Cercei were still looking for them. She wants safety & peace for herself, and now that she knows that her family is alive, she wants the same for them.

Sansa is more political and does what she needs to, to get shyt a true Queen. Had it not been for her putting a battery in Jon's back, the Starks would've never reunited and Jon would've rode off into the sunset until the WW killed everybody. At least now people are aligning with one another to fight back (against the WW). Thank you Sansa!

She LIED to Jon about saving Rickon. Manipulating him into going to Winterfell under false pretense:

She LIED to Jon about having reinforcements, forcing him to go into battle undermanned. He even asked her point blank period what else should he do and she was like “:yeshrug:” knowing DAMN well she had the Knights Of The Vale at her disposal

She argued with Jon PUBLICLY when he was making decisions as King of The North, undermining his authority.

Sansa makes decisions that benefit her true. And she should be commended for smartning up in that regard. But she doesn’t make QUEENLY decisions nor does she make decisions that would entice or inspire anyone to follow her lead. If she had pulled the shyt during the Battle Of The b*stards with ANYONE besides Jon they would murdered her the moment they saw her face again.

There is not one person on the show who should thank Sansa for anything.


Nov 18, 2016
She LIED to Jon about saving Rickon. Manipulating him into going to Winterfell under false pretense:

She LIED to Jon about having reinforcements, forcing him to go into battle undermanned. He even asked her point blank period what else should he do and she was like “:yeshrug:” knowing DAMN well she had the Knights Of The Vale at her disposal

She argued with Jon PUBLICLY when he was making decisions as King of The North, undermining his authority.

Sansa makes decisions that benefit her true. And she should be commended for smartning up in that regard. But she doesn’t make QUEENLY decisions nor does she make decisions that would entice or inspire anyone to follow her lead. If she had pulled the shyt during the Battle Of The b*stards with ANYONE besides Jon they would murdered her the moment they saw her face again.

There is not one person on the show who should thank Sansa for anything.
  • Regarding Rickon, she did what had to be done to secure their home and finally stop running from enemies.
  • I doubt that Sansa knew for sure that the Vale was coming. She didn't even want to use Littlefinger b/c he can't be trusted (& Jon clearly hates him) but she was backed in a corner.
  • First of, leaders that can't accept opposing views are typically poor leaders (i.e. Joffrey, Dany). Second, Jon & Sansa were learning to trust each other. It was pretty much growing pains.
  • And in regards to making queenly decisions, given the fact that the Northerners' stated that they wish they would've chosen her as a leader, she seems to be holding her own in Jon's absence.

Spiritual Stratocaster

Jesus is KING
Aug 14, 2014
JON STARK. Ned raised that boy. He was raised a STARK. We ain't letting y'all claim him :ufdup::myman: Ned looking down like a proud papa. He raised Jon Stark well :youngsabo:
Meaning in NAME.

They take that b*stard shyt seriously in Westeros.


Jon lives the Stark values through and through. This ain’t even up for debate. He’s done everything to live up to the Stark lineage and sacrificed every single selfish desire he’s ever had to make sure that the remaining Stark’s survive.

Dude REFUSED to lie even in the face of Cersei’s wrath because thats what Ned would have done...

Like I said. Jon Stark is more Ned’s child than he’ll EVER be a Targ. All you have to do is look at his final conversation with Theon to understand that Jon, despite his publjc claims, sess himself as a Stark for as long as he draws breath
That is fact...

Jon's upbringing is why so many follow him and how he was able to gain the respect of so many real ones..

Jeor Mormont
Maester Aemon
Mance Rayder
Half the Night Watch
Ser Davos

Spiritual Stratocaster

Jesus is KING
Aug 14, 2014
honestly, where is the rest of #stannisset at :gucci: did yall take the black or did yall switch up to one of the #usurperset
#Stannisset = :to:

Brehs can shyt on Stannis all they want but at the sametime are getting hard ons on that Azor Ahai=Jon theory...

Forgetting that Azor Ahai had to sacrifice someone he loved to fulfill the prophecy ..same as stannis :wow:


Feb 8, 2015
He’s been welcomed into an attractive woman’s p*ssy. That ain’t the same as saying “Oh your my nephew and the TRUE Heir to the throne? Ok cool carry on”.

Dany ain’t having that shyt for ONE second.

And its not even super necessary that Jon take the name, even after he finds out. He’s already got the North. The Dothraki won’t follow him. The Second Sons won’t follow him. The Unsullied won’t follow him. He might very well LOSE the entire North if it became public knowledge he that he’s not Ned’s b*stard. The BEST thing for him to do in the name of saving humanity (which is his one and true ONLY goal) is to let things be as they are, with Dany as the Targ that claims the iron throne and him as the King In The North.

Jon stands to lose MORE than he gains by claiming Targset. It would be a political shyt show and go against everything the character is fighting to acheive

I agree. Jon is not here to be King. Technically, it's his birthright but, him being TPTWP is to save Westeros from the White Walkers. That's his destiny. His heritage will likely never be publicly known by most of the people in the realm with the exception of a few characters. Jon is a Stark, he will always be a Stark and he will be buried in the crypts of Winterfell where he belongs. He wouldn't even know what to do in King's Landing. Back when I first read the story, I used to want Jon to sit on the throne but, now I see his place is in The North.