Official Game of Thrones Season 6 Thread


Bills Mafia
May 3, 2012
buffalo ny

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Apr 30, 2012
I wonder if the first nicca that the Children of the forest turned was the Nights King. Now he back on some revenge shyt. I'm curious for motives at this point. Hoping they just don't say their mindless fkers tryna kill everybody. Wondering if that nicca a Stark too.

Am I the only one who thought when he was walking through all them zombies back in the ice plain that one of em was gonna be Benjen? Wtf is that nicca doin while the apocalypse is happening?
May 1, 2012
Des Moines, IA
**Long ass post alert. Attention defecit disorder cats scroll on by**

OK, so I watched this episode a few hours ago and I have time to gather my scene by scene thoughts and post them when the episode ends. As of right now, I truly feel that this is front-to-back the single greatest episode that Game of Thrones has created and is among the single greatest episodes of television I have ever seen.

Normally I would spend the rest of the night stanning the Starks and the Old Gods, then get to the serious discussions later. But I can't even do that right now. I'm too fukked up and I'm questioning everything I thought I knew about the story

Onto the scene-by-scene thoughts:

  • Sansa with some brilliant acting in her meeting with Littlefinger. I believe Littlefinger just didn't know and royally fukked up. He better still bring that Vale army up to Winterfell even though Sansa dismissed him :ufdup:

  • Some Faceless Man backstory by Jaquen:leon:. Have we gotten that on the show yet? I already knew it from the literature, but I think thats new for the show. Big stuff, really.

  • That play:wow:. So well done, so entertaining. Seeing Arya slowly realize that she aint No One. She is still STARK:sas1:. Why they have to do Ned like that:what:. Lemme find out where this acting troupe is from and let Bran warg into a dragon and roast these fakkits whole village:pacspit:

  • OH MY GOD THE CHILDREN OF THE FOREST CREATED THE WHITE WALKERS. I know that the people who only watch the show and never read the books may not be invested in that story as much as they are the main plot, but OH MY fukkING GOD THE CHILDREN OF THE FOREST CREATED THE WHITE WALKERS. This opens up so many new theories. It makes so much sense. The First Men invaded Westeros and chopped down the Children's Gods. The Children created the Walkers as an army. They then lost control of the Walkers and eventually this led to the Long Night and the great pact between Man and Children. OH MY GOD. There is a lot of other implications here, but this isn't the post for that.

  • DID YOU KNOW: The actor getting stabbed by the Children is the same actor that plays the Night's King? That means he was the first sacrifice, and he is their king/leader. Holy shyt. Mind blown.

  • The Kingsmoot was pretty cool. Not as epic as written on page, but still really cool nonetheless. Euron getting drowned was cooler than I could have imagined:ehh:. Yara and Theon turned on him though:lupe:where are they going with this?

  • Jorah greyscale scene was really cool. I'm digging all these emotional scenes between him and Dany.

  • The Red Priestess fukking with Varys:whew:. I always wondered if they were going to revisit his eunuch origin story with the blue flames speaking to him. I hope they eventually reveal the secret and don't just leave it a mystery.

  • Davos and them planning out their armies. Awesome. All the Northern families mentioned by name and shown on a map. Nerd heaven:ahh:

  • The Blackfish Brynden Tully!!!!! The only worthwhile Tully!!!!:blessed:

  • Rickard Stark in a flashback! Holy shyt! Ned's dad! Will we finally see the scene of the Mad King killing him which was in the original pilot and was even in the original season 1 trailer?:lupe:

  • The whole final sequence in the cave deserves every accolade I can imagine. The tension. Summer dying WWWHHHHHHYYYYY. The Hodor origin story was the single most heartbreaking scene I have ever witnessed on screen. Is that hyperbole? NO......because I cried like a baby while watching a television show for the first time in my life. Not just a single tear down the cheek. I cried, out loud, twice. And almost cried a third time thinking about it 10 minutes later. Unreal. Seeing Bran's realization that he destroyed Hodor's mind, while at the same time seeing Hodor painfully and heroically die on screen, was just too much to handle. A painfully tragic origin story for a character we all loved who only ever spoke one word.

Unbelievable. 10/10, 5 stars. Thank you Jack Bender of "Lost" fame for your GOT directorial debut. I'm glad I saw this episode a few hours ago because I wouldn't be able to sleep tonight if I had just watched it end right now.
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