Official Game of Thrones Season 6 Thread

May 1, 2012
Des Moines, IA




We all worship the true gods, the Old Gods. When the First Men made a pact on the Isle of Faces with the Children of the Forest, we agreed to forever coexist in harmony.

All new gods can get the fukk out


All men with only Andal blood in their veins can get the fukk out


All who fosake the North can get the fukk out


Season 6 we here :lawd:

All these bytch ass fukkboys can't see the forest for the trees. But we have vision. We know the true war to come


Francis White

i been away to long, my feeling died.
May 11, 2012
New York, New York
Season 6: the Greyjoys will align with Littlefinger vale army but in secret. Sansa and Theon will be used to set up the Boltons in the chess game that Littlefinger and Roose engage in. That Dany storyline will last all season with her in their capture , when she is found and rescued by Jorah and DVD they will be in shock since she has fallen in love with one the Warriors and decides not to go back. Tyrion will prove a better ruler than the Queen and him and Varys start to play the game in a bigger way, they decide they want the throne and with the unsullied and better men they decide to take back the iron throne for themselves. Arya really takes her training seriously and regains her site. Bran returns and it's made known to Varys that he has ability to control beings, he sees this a plan to put him in power and have him control the remaining dragons. Season 7 Dany will be power mad and die.

Spiritual Stratocaster

Jesus is KING
Aug 14, 2014
Season 6: the Greyjoys will align with Littlefinger vale army but in secret. Sansa and Theon will be used to set up the Boltons in the chess game that Littlefinger and Roose engage in. That Dany storyline will last all season with her in their capture , when she is found and rescued by Jorah and DVD they will be in shock since she has fallen in love with one the Warriors and decides not to go back. Tyrion will prove a better ruler than the Queen and him and Varys start to play the game in a bigger way, they decide they want the throne and with the unsullied and better men they decide to take back the iron throne for themselves. Arya really takes her training seriously and regains her site. Bran returns and it's made known to Varys that he has ability to control beings, he sees this a plan to put him in power and have him control the remaining dragons. Season 7 Dany will be power mad and die.
I can see this boring ass shyt happening too :bryan:

dennis roadman

nuclear war in my bag
May 1, 2012
solsbury hill
Season 6: the Greyjoys will align with Littlefinger vale army but in secret. Sansa and Theon will be used to set up the Boltons in the chess game that Littlefinger and Roose engage in. That Dany storyline will last all season with her in their capture , when she is found and rescued by Jorah and DVD they will be in shock since she has fallen in love with one the Warriors and decides not to go back. Tyrion will prove a better ruler than the Queen and him and Varys start to play the game in a bigger way, they decide they want the throne and with the unsullied and better men they decide to take back the iron throne for themselves. Arya really takes her training seriously and regains her site. Bran returns and it's made known to Varys that he has ability to control beings, he sees this a plan to put him in power and have him control the remaining dragons. Season 7 Dany will be power mad and die.
when i was a kid watching baseball with my brother, i used to yell HOME RUN!!! :gladbron: right before every pitch just to look like i could predict home runs

my success rate was incredibly low