Ni**as Still Weird - Me
No it hasn'tBruh Tyrion spent the whole 1st half of the episode in Dragonstone and part of last ep telling her she can't just go in there burning everything down. Varys said the whole flupping a coin when a Targ is born THIS episode too and its not the 1st time. What do you think that meant?
Im not gonna pull up clips or nothing from past season cause Idk specific episodes but her burning the streets and the people and her going mad has always been a thing and mentioned.

It was all based on her being like her father and the whole "coin flip" shyt is stupid because that was her brother who was insane. They didn't start pushing all this Mad Queen shyt until this season after showing her as the complete opposite for 7. Every decision that she's made up until now has been influenced by her advisors who gave her shytty advice time and time again which led to her dragons dying and her friends dying. And even then you could see where she was coming from. They made her batshyt crazy in 4 episodes to justify this shytty ass ending.