Thurgood Thurston III
#LLNB #LLLB #E4R | woooK nypdK
It's like the night king never even existed 

This is the THIRD fukking time that Jon Snow couldn't just keep his mouth shut.
These posts right here, people gotta chill thinking Jon is a worthwhile leader himself. If another Lord Baelish ever arose, he'd play Jon for a fool in 1/4th of the time. Dude is an idiot, that gets incredibly lucky. He's like the anti Dany where people intervening actually saved his ass instead of making his life worse. He shouldve died along with Robb 7 years agoWhy she didn't do that BEFOREHAND, I'll never know. She *had* to know Missandei was dead one way or the other.
Let's point out that if Jon had backed Sansa, they could've rested and healed...gotten some of the other houses (Iron Islands, Dorne, the Vale, etc.). But Jon is all on his YOU MY QUEEN BOO shyt. So he can take 1/2 of the blame. I know he's in line to be the king, but he has NEVER had the smarts to be king. Whereas Dany arguably has (had?) the smarts, but not the humility.
Varys was right. If Dany wasn't such a power-hungry c*nt, she could marry Jon and they could rule TOGETHER. (I think Jon would get over it in time.) But she has to sit on the throne alone. And that's why, when it's all over, she'll have nothing. No throne, no man, no dragons...nothing.
:daario: neva lost:khalwin:Alot of woofing coming out of you breh. You down to the last dragon with the game on the line. Targset is finished breh
People are idiots breh.Why yall keep saying she going mad?
They killed her baby and chopped her best friend head off
I'd burn that shyt down too![]()
Dude falls for whores..Tyrion under Cersei thumb even more so than Jamie. Yo been knowing this woman your whole life, there's no talking to her