The Devil's Advocate
Call me Dad
I'm so happy I rewatched the show before season 8 but the way Little Finger died in season 8 was trash. He was the only main character to die too. Everybody is at war, fighting dragons or fighting dead people, and he dies trying to turn Sansa against Arya for no real reason.
The show runners said she DID believe him the whole time. It wasn’t until he played that dumbass game and came to conclusion that Arya wanted to be lady of winterfell, did Sansa wake the fukk up. Cause everyone knew she never wanted to be a ladyStory wise, any trust he had with Sansa was gone the minute she found out Ramsays true nature...
She blames littlefinger for not knowing what a demonic c*nt ramsay was.
In a deleted scene, right after that, Sansa goes and gets Bran and asks for help. That’s when she got all the fax. This is also bolstered by her sending away Brienne, letting northern lords shyt on Jon, and trying to hide that letter so she could take power.
There’s a reason why everyone hates Sansa and I can’t tell if it’s GRRM or the writers. But she’s so goddamn stupid. After all the shyt she been through, she still fall for littlefingers tricks and almost got her sister killed after years of thinking she’s dead. And out the blue, wants to steal power from Jon, claiming she won the war, held secrets from him, and almost got him killed too.
“fukk Sansa” bout to be a hashtag, she pull one more goddamn move next season