Yea i kinda felt sorry for Theon the first go round, but after a rewatch this muthafukka saw first HAND that his father wasn’t shyt, the Iron Islands wasn’t shyt, that entire NATION ain’t shyt. And he STILL chose them over remaining loyal to the Starks.
Theon throughly deserved that humbling he got from Ramsay (he did NOT deserve to have his dikk cut off though) off the strength that he didn’t follow common fukking sense.
He was a clown.
“My real father died in King’s Landing”

You was just trying to burn his younger sons up last week bro. Robb just had a lot of bad luck. His cousin was off at the Wall so he couldn’t lean on him for help and Theon was such a backstabber. Life with the Starks wasn’t perfect but had Theon stuck with them, shyt would’ve worked out for him.
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