This is the exact same Republicans did in the past election.If you can't contribute financially, you can make a serious impact by just creating a twitter MAGA troll account...
They're mad at the Republicans and threatening not to vote, lets push them over the edge...
Need as many trolls as possible to just spam MAGA twitter with we not voting or signing Trumps name in instead because the Republicans have betrayed Trump...
That's literally all you have to do...
Anyone here from Atlanta seen those attack ads against Warnock? It's been on at least 3 times today.
They're using the clip of Reverend Jeremiah Wright "God damn America"
Throwing salt in the game. Hilarious
I like the one in particularly where they use his voice out of context urging to free "OUR CHILDREN FROM JAILS". Giving the illusion of streets flooded with criminals.
Voted today brehz, How bout yall?