7 long years. He did it 

CapCup up next.
✂️ The end
38 seconds · Clipped by Batsute Twitch · Original video "Up Up & Away" by Kid Cudi - Topicyoutube.com
Nemo does something to peopleAyo we need a thread on NemoI ain't NEVER seen Momochi pissed
Barack Obama, Eight Years, 0 Street Fighter Wins for America
Donald Trump, Four Years, 0 Street Fighter Wins for America
Joe Biden, Three Years, 0 Street Fighter Wins for America
Kamala Harris, ONE DAY, 1 Street Fighter Win for America
Business?breh this is how i know yal be talking sony/microsoft shyt nonstop but don't actually know a thing about business
yes, the majority of US folks aren't going overseas - at the same time, the people in those markets can't come or even be exposed to the majority of the events due to all kinds of virtual and physical barriers. there is no better way to consistently grow and expand than actually establishing a normal footprint or circuit there. whether its f1, esports, fashion, etc. and on top of that, your regular sponsors will also thank you for the opportunity to carry their brand internationally to a ready-made and receptive audience as well
"the scene" ffsthe logistics of evo ain't even low level wrestling tier
it wasn't expanding too fast, it was expanding counter to the markets own interest
yal gotta stop applying that early 2000s friction to every concept of growth like its some hard to grasp thing that hasn't already been solved by everything from CoD to Minecraft. And they took the fighting game community's blueprint to do it too.
Yup The information gap and access to info and break downs compared back in the late 90s and early 2k is crazy.US players excelling with rushdown/mixup characters all day in all the games. I feel like the reason dudes are winning now is because stuff like frame data is so much more readily available as opposed to the early 2000's where you were just depending on a dude punishing/counter hitting you and saying, "That isn't safe".
Yup The information gap and access to info and break downs compared back in the late 90s and early 2k is crazy.
Going to tournaments was legit the only way to see new tech, and play new players. Everyone at my arcade thought they was nice, but none of us were winning majors.
It wasn't until sf4 really that people understood it's a whole world of players that can play just as well if not better than you.