This really. I'm absolutely baffled at folks saying they're about to cancel Netflix just because they can re-watch some 90s cartoons now.
I have no interest in a nostalgia channel and am really just waiting to see what they'll bring in original content.
Yeah, me too tbh. There's too much shyt on Netflix currently and also content that will just never appear on Disney for certain that more than likely will be on Netflix throughout cinema moving forward. However, the same can be said with Disney stuff. Disney already has aeons of backlog content obviously, but folks talking worrying about future original content, I wouldn't worry much on that. Hell, all the piff that Disney has pumped out on all fronts (disney movies, marvel movies, animated moves, etc.) they're all going to obviously just be exclusively dropping on the service from here on. Plus, all the impending Marvel stuff and tying into the mcu, I'm sure is going to be heat for at least the next 3-5 years on that front.
I could only see on not wanting Disney+ if you just absolutely loathe the bulk of disney/marvel/pixar/star wars content in general. If you're a fan of just any one of those 4, then the app will feed you well and the price of the meal is certainly not an issue currently for damn near anyone to afford. If you like any combo of more than 1 of those, it's practically a no brainer. Same if you have kids or have kids over often, no brainer.
As far as the choice between Netflix and Disney+, I don't see why one just wouldn't own both IMO, unless you severely frugal/broke or really low level of tv/movie watching as a whole that you figure having more than one would be a waste/too time consuming.