That babysitter so bad. 
Hannah for biting Dexter on this lips.

I thought the whole ending was unnecessary. It was built to end like this where I think it shouldn't have. Like the video in Mike's stuff
Leguarta with no backup. Like dude said at the end they didn't want to make dex a superhero so I understand but I didn't like it. Dexter isn't Dexter anymore. They might as well rename the show lol
With that being said Season 8 should be entertaining
nikka... Dexter is a killer. That's the whole point. Anyone who takes life that brazenly, it's only a matter of time until they can justify anything. That's the whole point of Hannah. She might've regretted that first body. But by the time she met dexter she could talk herself into murking anyone. No matter how u color it, dexter was always a homocidal maniac. If anything, props to the writers for destroying his nobility, and showing him for what he truly is.
LOVED IT. thought laguerta was gonna be after dex all season 8.
not sure how they cover it up but i can't wait to see the final season
Scott buck said in the interview afterwards they wanted the viewer to know Dexter is no super hero. HE IS A SERIAL KILLER!