I don't choke like thatNaw... a couple supers and heavy then the game is tied..

I don't choke like thatNaw... a couple supers and heavy then the game is tied..
Breh you should be running in the iron banner. I was able to get all 3 of my characters to 379 and my hunter was the highest at 370 when it started. Iron Banner and Trials should be all you need really. Also do the weekly crucible bounty on as many characters as you can. Oddly enough I got 2 bad Juju to drop from 2 of the 3 I turned in this week. One dropped at 380 and the other at 377.I'm stuck on 371-372. Trynna get to 385 if anybody has tips or can help on ps4 please let me know
I remembered why I don't raid in the first month.
People with 2 clears think they're Jesus fukking Christ and how it was so easy for them . With a little self reflection maybe they'll realize they got carried through.
My drops were pure garbage as well. Iron Banner was more beneficial.
Aight that's what I'll do. ThanksBreh you should be running in the iron banner. I was able to get all 3 of my characters to 379 and my hunter was the highest at 370 when it started. Iron Banner and Trials should be all you need really. Also do the weekly crucible bounty on as many characters as you can. Oddly enough I got 2 bad Juju to drop from 2 of the 3 I turned in this week. One dropped at 380 and the other at 377.
Buy & pop 3oCs before each match. Run IB as breh till Mon and then decrypt your exotics at the end of IB. You should be 380 in no time. Use boosters if you have 'em.Aight that's what I'll do. Thanks
It takes like a hour on each character. Not bad at all..Got a few more matches on my main character to get rank 5. Gonna see how far I can get on my hunter but there's only so much supremecy I can take.
Aint got much time during the week. My gaming time is limited.It takes like a hour on each character. Not bad at all..
I'm in. Never really got to do that trialsOnly played limited trials since release. Don't care about the lighthouse just doing it for the book. Any xbo people interested? Maybe not this week but hoping next week.