the iron banner is the only place where all the shyt counts, so what are you talking about?....all the other modes of the pvp, the level of your armor, gear, etc. don't really even says so if you scroll over the game when you waiting to get into a match....
Nah the level of your armor and weapons is irrelevant to what I'm saying because those things only calculate damage taken or damage dished out tantamount to the enemy e.g. your 200 ATK weapon may have damage penalties against say a guardian with a high DEF rating. So basically that's the only thing not in PVP but everything else?? Armor upgrades, class upgrades, weapon upgrades, they count. Yeah a level 4 warlock who's skilled may be able to kill another level 20 titan or w/e because of normalized damaged but he's at a disadvantage. His starting auto rifle from early in the game will be outclassed against someone who's rocking a Shingen-E or other high level auto rifle. They'll be(The level 20 cat) mowing down guardians with that gun since the damn range is so effective and the stability is really good so even though the damage may be lower, it'll be more accurate and since it's viable in pretty much all conditions they'll be outgunning other players with weapons that should work in mid-range/long-range battles.
as far as weapons go: that's how it is in every pvp..there are always weapons that are gotos cause they are the easiest to use, overpowered, or the case of destiny, I dot think none of the weapons are overpowered, but there are a couple that are easier to use, that's why people use them...ex: the fusion rifle is the easiest special weapon to it overpowered? no, cause sniper rifles can take you out from anywhere in 1 shot; and if you get close enough with shotties, they can take you out in 1 shot too...but they aren't the easiest to use, so people don't....the same goes for the auto rifles....they are the easiest to use, but there are other primary weapons that are just as good and/or better.....
That's the issue right there though.. Auto rifles are the go-to weapon for pretty much all scenarios. Someone who's using a scout rifle or pulse rifle has to work much harder to get kills than a auto rifle. The AR's are far too convenient and thus eliminate the point of even using other weapons. What's the point in putting yourself at a disadvantage using weapons that just don't work as good as something else?? The fact that you can spawn with a fusion rifle and ammo's a plenty exacerbates this. In this game it's easy to rush players thanks to some of the map designs and some of the perks. Shotguns basically wreck havoc like they should be. Fusion rifles on the other hand have the advantages of a shotty but with even more range. I think special weapon ammo should be more scarce. It's called special weapons but yet it's easy to get ammo??
seriously, if they changed all the shyt you complaining about, the game would be a reg pvp, and no one would play it....the fact the supers are unpredictable is what makes the game fun....and it's not like the supers are only for a certain few, everyone gets them.....same for the perks....with all the options, you can mix/match shyt to find something that fits your play sounds like you just want everything to be the same, play the same,, that shyt would be boring....
That's why they can keep all that "fun" stuff in Iron banner. Plus it may be fun to you but to others this may be a hindrance to their enjoyment. I'm not saying they should completely overhaul the entire game but with the limited amount of modes online, they might as well appease those wanting a more traditional shooter akin to their past titles at least. They could make a hardcore playlist and add some incentives(Ranking system, better loot something) to get people on it. I'm sure the player population is large on Destiny so they could do it. Other games that are nowhere near as popular did it and it still had a nice population for those modes(Uncharted 3).