quick notes:
- this game likes fukking with me....after grinding in the banner for boots, ran CE with my hunter and guess what i got in a drop from the bridge?....some fukking boots....not only that, but my ib boots have better stats, smh...
- like i said: this game likes fukking with me...ran CE with my warlock and got some gauntlets....i already got 2 pair, so even though it was discipline, i dismantle them thinking nothing of it....we beat crota and i finally get a helm....i'm happy, till i look at the stats: all strength...the reason i'm not happy? i could use those damn gauntlets i dismantled a few mins earlier to compliment it, smh.....
- been running around with the universal remote to level it up, and i like it....that shyt does damage, especially since the update....even though i'd have to adjust my play style, i can see using it in the crucible...
- running around as a sunsinger with a fatebringer in deathsinger gear, oh my damn...