man, bungie is letting us get payback for the last couple nightfalls/weeklies with this week's nightfall and weekly...all burns and no lightswitch/juggler, that priest didnt stand a chance....had him kneeling and praying at the spot he jumps down to when he first gets out the cell, wasnt even letting him move lol.....we beat his ass so bad one time, the game glitched and sent out the ships and more enemies even though the countdown to go back to orbit was on....they ran out there, saw he was down, and just turned around like 'why i get outta bed this morning' lol....
now, the rewards for those ass whuppings we gave him were an exotic chest piece for my warlock...problem with that was i was already wearing the same one with better a calling scout rifle, which is's not exactly like my old one which had 24 in the clip, but it has great perks (firefly and the one that increases head shot damage after body shots) so it'll do....and got 12 funky ass shards, smh....
back on that fatebringer grind this week...i figure with the way it's been going, i'll have it within the next 2 weeks.....also on the grind for a helm or boots for my hunter from crota to get him to 32....also wouldnt mind a helm for my warlock and titan; or different stat chest piece/boots for my titan....