Need one more nightfall (among other things)
So far this week I've got a 4th dragons breath in CE, 10 ascendant shards and another Universal Remote in two nightfalls. Clearly Bungie is unloading their overstock of useless trash on me
at least you getting exotics....this week, the nightfall gave me: crypt dweller (all mine better), vanquisher 3 (i like this gun, but i already got 1 which has better perks), and 12 strange coins....12 strange coins?!?!?...that's bout as bad as getting a sparrow or ship outta the raid and nothing else (which i have plenty of experience at).....*fighting back the tears as i type this* i'll just add them to the damn near 100 sitting in the vault right beside my 100+ ascendent shards....and be right back at it again tonight, smh.....
on a side note: i highly appreciate the nightfall and weekly this is allowing me to let out a lot of frustration i've had with the rng's been so much fun, even though i've already run them, i'm run them some more just cause......the shyt i've been doing to omnigul and the crew so far has been wrong, and it wont get no righter until the reset lol....