couple thoughts after the patch:
- the iron banner is boring now....yea, the high level shyt matters more now, but the shyt isnt fun....for the most part, all people use are suros, fusion rifles, shotguns which shoot cross half the map it seems, and/or raid weapons.....also, those that complained about the high level shyt mattering will still be complaining cause they will still be getting they ass kicked cause knowing how to play the game is still more important than the gear...
- bungie needs to get they priorities together...instead of worrying about balance, 'fixing' places people find to exploit, etc., they need to worry about making sure their game works properly...i'm tired of playing matches where: i'm shooting people and no damage goes off them until after the fact; i'm getting shot through walls by people on the other side of the map; doors not opening; 'connecting to destiny servers' scrolling across my screen, etc....i kid yall not: i got a double down medal from using a shotgun after i had died...i shot 2 people, no damage went off them and i died, next thing i know i hear the sound of me killing someone and the medal shows up, smh......that's the shyt bungie needs to fix...
- speaking of shyt that needs to be fixed: bungie's so called 'map adjustments'....i didnt think it was possible, but they took a bad map and made it worse....blind watch is horrible and not really playable if you are team alpha....seriously, i dont know whose bright idea it was to move zone b to the new place, but that person needs to be least forced to play the game, on that map, as team alpha only...then maybe they'll see the error in their ways....
...with all that said: i'm still be playing the game lol...just wont be doing iron banner as much as i thought....