the shyt isnt's just easy to use....i've seen shadow princes/prices and monto carlos dominate more....also, the thing that makes it fun is that special perk it gets, but to get to that perk, you gotta level the shyt outta it up like the other exotics....and to me, until you get to that perk for them, legendaries are better than the exotics...anyway, i got 5 exotics:
the suros regime - the stability is amazing...bought from xur...
the incentive - powerful, but that kick is a it from the bounty dude...
bad juju - i dig the shyt outta this gun, especially how it puts in work on every shield type.....and that 'string of curses' perk, oh my damn...would be op if it had more impact and bullets in the from bounty dude...
red death - havent used it yet...bought it for xur
thorn - havent used it from bounty dude....