You'd think after the patch, doing 10 strikes would net some rare pulse rifles for my other bounty. But nope. Not one and I got 7 more to goI have 10 left in that bounty. I would be finished with it by now but I went on vacation last week, just got back on Monday.
I basically did 11 Strikes last week in like 2 days or some shyt. I have that Exotic going on and the one for the Thorn going on at the same time. I should probably just grind out the Strikes I have remaining and then go off in the Crucible, because I believe both of the 2nd parts of my Exotic bounties are Crucible driven. So I'd be knocking out 2 stones at once
I was heated when I heard the Gunsmith was selling them while I was at work. Now I check back every 3 hours when he gets new stock like a fiend