Official Destiny Thread [RISE OF IRON OUT NOW!]


Feb 9, 2013
i just had one of the luckiest 10 minute stretches in my gaming career

got a legendary engram for the crucible, i assumed it was gonna be a dud like the last 3 :ehh: so i got it decoded and i got the Monte Carlo :dead: :gladbron:

handed in a bounty that made me Dead Orbit Rank 3 and they gave me a strange coin and a legendary shotty :dead: :deadmanny:

i take back all the mean things i said about this game :mjcry:
Everybody hate the lotto till they win it


Jul 1, 2012
Xur got me strapped up :blessed: just copped the exotic titan chest and SUROS auto rifle... gonna hit 29 as soon as i upgrade this chest, but it's gonna be slow without the cave :mjcry:
Just copped that hunter exotic helmet and an exotic helmet for my Titan :blessed: skipped on the suros since I have doctor nope. If I can scoop 13 more strange coin in the next day or so I can still cop that too.

Brief Keef

May 6, 2012
Xur got me strapped up :blessed: just copped the exotic titan chest and SUROS auto rifle... gonna hit 29 as soon as i upgrade this chest, but it's gonna be slow without the cave :mjcry:
word on the street's is

Destiny - New Loot Farming Location, Infinite Chests and Spirit Blooms
As fast as Bungie can Patch the Loot Farming Cave on Earth, players in the Destiny universe can find the next best thing, and that's exactly what RumoPlays (that's us) and Bug_Will have done. While we can't say for sure that we're the first to stumble upon it, we have yet to see a video or article pointing out this particular area or activity


The big difference between this latest spot and the cave on Earth is that you won't find nearly as many Engrams, but you can farm endless amounts of Spirit Blooms and regular Chests. While Spirit Blooms can be used to upgrade Weapons and Armor, or even sold around the Tower to increase your Reputation with one of the Factions, Chests, on the other hand, typically contain Glimmer, Weapons, Armor, Engrams and yes, even Spirit Blooms.


In order to participate in this latest farming event, players need to head out to the Patrol mission on Venus, then make their way to the Ishtar Commons. It's there that they'll discover a never ending battle between the Vex and the Fallen. Gamers should Feel free to interrupt their fight, killing anyone and everyone, then moving around the courtyard looking for Spirit Blooms before checking the small, dark rooms along the outer walls for Chests. When the Vex and Fallen respawn, Guardians should get back to killing them for a few moments, then repeat the process all over again. After doing this for about a half an hour we were able to open dozens of Chests and collect more than 75 Spirit Blooms


Players might also be interested to know that there are two dead Ghosts in this area, one on the awning of one of the buildings, and the other on the floor of a dark elevator near the edge of the courtyard. Guardians can also accept some of the Patrol missions in the area if they want to increase their Reputation with one of the Factions.



Brief Keef

May 6, 2012
Destiny Factions Guide: Our Tips For Choosing A Side And Understanding The Reputation And Gear System

Destiny's Crucible Marks And Reputation System Explained

Hopefully, we can help you to understand what you should be aiming for after level 20. Below is a guide to Destiny's faction system and what you'll need to build reputation and access high-level items.

Faction Overview

There are three factions in Destiny, all of which have members in the Tower that can sell you legendary gear. Gaining access to these items, however, is difficult and a bit complicated. Each faction has items that boost different attributes, so you should pick which stats you want to focus on ahead of time and, thus, which faction you will represent. You will also need to accumulate Crucible Marks to spend.

Guide For How To Succeed In The Crucible

To represent a faction, you must buy (with just Glimmer) and wear the unique class item (cloak for Hunters, mark for Titans, and bond for Warlocks) from the faction vendor once reaching level 20. While wearing the item, everything you do will build your reputation for that faction, which in turn gives you access to their gear once you accumulate enough reputation. The New Monarchy sells items that increase Intellect (reduces Super cooldown) and Strength (reduces melee cooldown), Future War Cult's gear increases Discipline (decreased grenade cooldown) and Intellect, and Dead Orbit's combination is Discipline and Strength.

Also, here's a general disclaimer: If you can't stand the Crucible, don't go down this path. Only Crucible Marks can be used to buy faction gear, and if you don't want to play the competitive multiplayer mode, you'll never be able to buy items from any faction or the Crucible handlers. The Vanguard class vendors would be your best bet, as they take Vanguard Marks acquired from patrol missions, strikes, and events instead of Crucible points. You can purchase legendary gear from them, too--factions are just another method of accessing high-level items with specialized focuses. Additionally, the item and attribute bonuses come down more to personal choice and play style than really suiting any one class better than another--just go with your gut or preference.

Buying The Gear

To access the items on sale, you must rank up in faction reputation for your chosen side before you can spend. Completing Vanguard (Strike playlist, events, etc) tasks and Crucible matches while wearing the faction item will convert the points you gain into faction reputation, and reaching 1,500 reputation will achieve rank one. This will let you buy some emblems, but most gear and weapons are locked beyond ranks two and three--it's going to take a while. The gear is purchased with Crucible Marks, which you'll gain from completing competitive multiplayer matches; the Crucible system and currency are explained further inour guide here.

You won't be locked into one faction and can switch at any time, but it would be pretty inefficient to split your efforts. It will take long enough to gain reputation in one faction, and so tossing all of the points you've accumulated aside to switch will be throwing away many hours of play. They all sell good gear

Where Can I Find Each Faction?

All three groups have representatives in the Tower. The New Monarchy's Executor Hideo is hanging out in Tower North, to the left of the entrance under an overhang. The Dead Orbit and Future War Cult can both be found in the Tower Hangar, down to the left and up some stairs in the back respectively. If you're having trouble finding the locations, the robots standing around the Tower offer maps that will point them out.


Ice Cold

King of Blades
May 5, 2012
Y'all heard bout the newest patch?
The 1.0.2 patch will go live next week, and includes several changes to the Cryptarch and Engram experience. These changes guarantee that Engrams will always decode into items at or above the quality of an engram.

Only Engrams that drop after 1.0.2 are subject to this change.

Cryptarch Changes 
Cayde-6 took the Cryptarch aside and showed him a sack of doorknobs. He decoded that mystery pretty quickly.
Legendary Engrams will always produce Legendary or better quality items, including Materials or Exotics
Rare Engrams will always produce Rare or better quality items

Rare engrams will have an increased chance to produce Legendary quality items

Activity Changes
Daily Heroics, Weekly Heroics, and Vanguard: Tiger Playlist activities will include Rare and Legendary Engrams in addition to their existing rewards

Item Changes
Ascendant materials have been promoted to Legendary to closer associate them with the gear they are used to upgrade
Legendary Engram items that exist in your inventory will be demoted to Rare quality when the patch goes live, so decode them while you can. But let’s be honest--even if you don’t, we all know they were blues already...