I was looking at some people do the raid on Twitch and it's not for me.
Too many puzzles and platforming. Involved a little too much coordination between multiple people that I'm not comfortable with on a console. Plus I don't have many friends with and X1. I may change my mind if I see some really good stuff dropping from there that I cant pass up, but as of right now I'll have a full Legendary set plus an exotic in a week or two guaranteed maybe sooner. I want to shoot and kill stuff . Not platform pillars and run away from patrol mobs.
The loot system in this game is rough... I feel like I'm begging for scraps when it comes to new gear. But it also feels weird that I can farm lvl 5 mobs at lvl 25 and still get epics for my level, seems like an exploit or a bug but I understand why they made it that way.
I get all my enjoyment out of the crucible, I wish they had some sort of ranking system though. I think there is a higher chance of getting loot at the end of a match if your team wins but so far it doesn't seem like you gain anything for gaining the most points on your team.
And the last thing I have to criticize about the game and some people may say this is a good thing but I don't like how nothing is really explained to you. Like I bet half of you didn't know that the mobs with shields have a greater weakness to their shield if you use the same special weapon dmg type against them. IE. orange shield takes greater dmg from solar. Blue shield takes greater dmg from arc(?), etc. Tooltips are very very generalized.
There's also no way to compare yourself against other players in PvE or PvP. There is a brief summary at the end of the crucible but the stats it gives are very simplistic.
In a game that has two of the most competitive genres FPS and RPG (as in comparing yourself to others) there isn't that many ways to do so. If I'm level 25 and someone else is lvl 27 or 23 that doesn't mean they put in more time than me, or the are more skilled than me, or anything. If someone took the exact same path as me from when I started to now, they could easily be two levels below or above me right now based purley on how strong the RNG factor is in this game.
The story was meh, I saw some post on reddit saying that maybe the guardians are the bad guys but it was a long stretch just to make the story seem more interesting.
I know bungie put a ton of work into this game and especially the end game. So right now im at a wait and see stance. Hopefully the next expansion will shed light on some of these concerns.