If you've got friends...this game is actually pretty fun...
If you don't...you gonna be

watching teams of players scoot on through a stage you struggling with...
Was playing the stage where you first get your hoover bike...some dude was holed up in some underground tunnel like

...must have saw me and my homeboy on the map cause he came halfway out like
Homeboy: Say man it's probably a loot chest in that cave
Me: Nah if it was he would have gotten it already...
Sped the fukk off like

with him going back into the cave like
Caught another dude in distress after my friend signed off...I somehow activated one of those beacon missions where you have to kill those floating robots...there was some dude on the stage already with a warlock...can't front he was putting in work with it

...I was making my way over to him and some of those floating robots I needed to kill spawned...dropped a fist of havoc and killed all of them, instantly 100% complete...as I started to exit out the game I saw dude running toward me and a ton of shyt hit him and he just fukking died right at my feet like

as I faded out and leveled up to 6 before calling it a night