it's not a season pass per say...they have an expansion pass that gets you both of the expansions they've announced so far....i think both with cost $20 each, the pass gets you both for $35....

it's not a season pass per say...they have an expansion pass that gets you both of the expansions they've announced so far....i think both with cost $20 each, the pass gets you both for $35....
Breh a 60 has backwards compatibility... You should be able to get 150 for that one anyway
Microsoft Store has a $10 gift card with preorder...are there any deals for this game or in general fukkin with that?
i can't shake the feeling that this game will be ass. I don't know.It's like I just feel like it will be trash.
what's wrong with me? Like I'm excited and not excited.
It's that "close to launch" feeling where I start to doubt a game.