HBK next on the summer jam screen
Sean Oliver is just like "holy shyt"

while Beefcake is over there yukking it up. Reminds me of the video where Michael Elgin is telling his story of pissing on a chick without her consent like it's hilarious while Kevin Steen is looking at him vaguely mortified.
I'm still trying to process this episode, which I did not expect going in. I've heard this story so many times over the past 19 years that I thought nothing about this doc could surprise me. Shows what I know.
-Scott Hall was in a
bad way during that last WWF run of his. To the extent that they turned his match with Austin at WM X8 into an extended squash AND purposely didn't book Kevin Nash in a match just in case Hall no showed or came to the show in no condition to perform. Dude was fukked up for what he did to that flight attendant, but I actually 100% believe him when he says he doesn't remember anything. Between his alcoholism and the alleged H-Bombing (what a fukked up practice THAT is

), it's totally possible he wasn't in his right mind. Dustin's less excusable, but he was also dealing with some shyt on and off at the time and at least he did
A good thing in between being a drunk idiot and groping flight attendants.
-It's amazing that so much shyt happened on the plane that no one's talking about Bradshaw slapping Michael Hayes into unconsciousness or X-Pac cutting off Hayes's ponytail and taping it to the wall on TVs. Insane.
-Surprised Hennig didn't get more shyt for some of those dangerous ribs he was pulling. Again, H-Bombing people as a joke?
-Love Brock as a wrestler, but you can tell that nobody really beat his ass in his youth. To the point that I actually kind of wish Cornette had actually pulled a gun on him in OVW for what he did to his wife, just to show him that you can't do what you want to people simply because you're a jacked-up wrestler that the company put 2 years of recruiting and six figures into. And, of course, he got no punishment for flashing Terri and nearly getting everyone killed over Hennig's shaving cream prank.
-I see that some (dumb) people on Twitter are confused about Terri no-selling everything, but what happens if she DOES sell it? She becomes a target of increased abuse AND probably gets blackballed from the industry? Did these people forget what happened to some of those 2004 Diva Search contestants that hung around for a cup of coffee?
-RVD was the realest dude in the doc, pretty much. Dude definitely has a documentary/book in him that he absolutely doesn't want to produce. He was dead on about the culture and never meeting your idols, though.
-JR was about as useful as the flight attendants when it came to stopping things (what WAS he supposed to do once shyt got crazy, though?), but Vince put him in an AWFUL position by not taking any responsibility whatsoever for what happened on that flight (most likely because he would have been right there along with the wrestlers participating in the bullshyt). I've seen people going after him for how punishments were doled out, but you damn well know that Vince told him that Flair and Brock were off limits when it came to that.
-40+ years of this bullshyt from Flair and, yet, he gets off scot free because everyone loves him and Vince paid off his debts when he came back in 2001 and wanted his money/value back. All-time great wrestler, shyt human being.
-They fukking terrorized that flight attendant and watching her relive those moments was legit uncomfortable as hell. She clearly isn't over what happened on that flight. Though the most galling thing that happened to her in my eyes (only because I knew the details of her lawsuit long beforehand) was when her employers demanded she clean up the plane after finding those syringes. You know, as if there probably weren't Schedule I and/or II controlled substances in those things being transported across international waters, which would make the whole fukking plane a crime scene (you know, if anyone fukking cared about the crimes of the rich in these scenarios) and make her liable for any evidence tampering that would have occurred at that moment. Just ridiculous shyt all the way around.
-Tommy Dreamer is an embarrassment. I'd say I was surprised by his nonsense, but then again this is a guy who's so stupid that he forgot rule #1 of WWE talent relations while working an office job (WWE exclusive means WWE exclusive), which resulted in him getting booted from said job and Punk getting a TON of heat while he was in developmental. Him being an idiot and a mark for the business isn't too surprising in that respect.
I'm probably forgetting a few things, but this was really something else. Somehow, this makes Collision in Korea, a fiasco in which Scott Norton was almost disappeared over almost literally nothing, Hawk and Scorpio almost caused an international incident by trying to kill each other multiple times, and a North Korean attaché may have actually been disappeared over Eric Bischoff taking a morning run, look like a picnic in comparison. Hardest watch of the season besides the Grizzly Smith episode (I don't think anything they'll ever do could top that).